Saturday, May 13, 2017

Where is the Opportunity for New Fresher?

Obviously,there are much available opportunity but where is the for new freshers?New freshers have new think, energy, eagerness, idea and new strategic management level but there is no opportunities due to experience level,nepotism, febotism and their level of perception.
May be they haven't all qualities, at least they have educational qualification and new idea/energy but these idea has been lost due to Nepal's system for new fresher to entry in the new organization/company/enterprises. They have new idea to do something new for country but system has been fail to give the opportunity  them.Some point have discuss as follows.
Barriers for new Freshers:
I.Experience level- All companies/organization are publish their vacancy with demanded experience level within 2-4 years except Government enterprises. New fresher are new for market, so how can they adding the experience level  in C.V.  The company have right to demand experienced applicant according to their vacant post but its eligible for new freshers? Obviously not, If they are not getting engage any job then how can they add the level of experience.
II. Nepotism/Favoritism- Another point is the Nepotism. Its also harm for new fresher.Nepal is a underdeveloped country, here is no more enterprises or own private companies. So less company are demand the applicant and the get the job nearest relatives due to nepotism.No valuation of qualification than relationship.
III.Perception of the company- The Nepalese company have to do make their own perception for new freshers . They think the new freshers are not qualified for the job post even junior level and the new freshers have only made for apply to the vacant post and they will reject. They never think for fresher, financial cost, time, qualification and aim/ goal .Even they have not responsible for their holding post and not accountable for their duties.
I am agree their job experience level and job specification.They have not great job experience and specification but they have the new idea,energy and commitment.However not necessary do a job for earning money, for social status and personality. They can also starting new business venture, but raise the question behind the capital funding. The problems have source of funding. So no job,no money and no funding and No Venture.

Sabita Shahi Thakuri

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