Thursday, November 30, 2017

तिम्रो नाममा

तिम्रो आँखामा एउटा अनौठो चाल छ
तिमीलाई देखे देखि मन को सबै बेहाल छ !
आउन चाहन्छु सधैको  लागि तिम्रो सामु
तर समाज,रितिरिवाज को ठुलो पर्खाल छ !!

तिम्रो आँखा देखेपछि आफैलाई बिर्सिन्छु
न त कुनै जातिको पर्खाल, न त कुनै !
धर्म को बन्धन, न त समाज को परिधि
मा यसै प्रफुल्ल बनिदिन्छु !!

यो सबै परिधिलाई छिचोल्दै एउटा सम्बन्धको सुरुवात हुनेछ
अनि पो जिन्दगी अझै खास बन्नेछ !
समुद्र झैँ गहिरो आँखा,स्पस्ट तिम्रा नानी
भित्र एउटा मायाको घर बन्नेछ !!


Saturday, November 4, 2017


चक्रभ्यु जस्तै घुमी रहने  जिन्दगी
अनपेक्षित घटना मा नै रुल्मुलिने रहेछ
नाता गोता संगै उल्झिरहने
सोचेको ठिक बिपरित हुने रहेछ जिन्दगी !

नयां तरिकाले परिभाषित गर्न चाहन्थे
तर सबै सोचेको कहाँ हुने रहेछ र
अनि #Sacrifice र #Compromise को नाम दिदै
जिउन थालिने कहानी रहेछ जिन्दगी !!

माया गर्यो भरोसा दिलायो आधि बाटो मा नै छुट्ने खेल रहेछ
आफु माथि पुग्न लाईअरुको खुट्टाको चाल रोक्ने सड्यन्त्र रहेछ जिन्दगी 
सबै थाहा पाएर नयां  तरिकाले जिउने प्रयाश गर्दैछु
आफ्ना लाई पाखा र अरुलाई काखा मान्दै बस्नु पर्ने खेल रहेछ जिन्दगी !!!

                                                                                  सबिता शाही
                                                                               बी.स. २०७४/०७/१९

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Local Election 2074 and Expectation

Nepal is a federal democratic republic country since 2015. Nepal have Parliamentry governance system. Nepal has come through different governanace system from the past, which can be categorized as under-

  • Period of Darkness (Before 2007 BS)
  • Period of Realization (2007-2017 BS)
  • Period of Controlled Reform (2017-2046 BS)
  • Period of Democratization (2046-2063 BS)
  • Post Democratization (2063-Present)

Now we are in post democratization governance system and feel proud to be a republican citizen of Nepal. The local election ha been conduct at 31st Baishakh 2074 after almost 21 year.  The people or we have many more expectation from this election such as employment creation, increse gross domestic pruductivity & prosperious Economy of Nepal. This Local Election is an opportunity for select the right one candidates for Local level developement of Nepal. And we have to be aware of elect the right candidate from Local Election 2074.

Expectations :

  • To do Local level developmet 
  • To creation an Employment 
  • To develop infrastructure in local level to central 
  • To ensure growth for GDP
  • To establish transeparency public service delivery 
  • To embrace local level to central administration 
  • To do decentralization in public administration 
  • To follow the New governance system according to New constitution 
#Do #Vote for #Elect #Right #Candidates
#Local #Election 2074 (2017) #Nepal #Nepali.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Where is the Opportunity for New Fresher?

Obviously,there are much available opportunity but where is the for new freshers?New freshers have new think, energy, eagerness, idea and new strategic management level but there is no opportunities due to experience level,nepotism, febotism and their level of perception.
May be they haven't all qualities, at least they have educational qualification and new idea/energy but these idea has been lost due to Nepal's system for new fresher to entry in the new organization/company/enterprises. They have new idea to do something new for country but system has been fail to give the opportunity  them.Some point have discuss as follows.
Barriers for new Freshers:
I.Experience level- All companies/organization are publish their vacancy with demanded experience level within 2-4 years except Government enterprises. New fresher are new for market, so how can they adding the experience level  in C.V.  The company have right to demand experienced applicant according to their vacant post but its eligible for new freshers? Obviously not, If they are not getting engage any job then how can they add the level of experience.
II. Nepotism/Favoritism- Another point is the Nepotism. Its also harm for new fresher.Nepal is a underdeveloped country, here is no more enterprises or own private companies. So less company are demand the applicant and the get the job nearest relatives due to nepotism.No valuation of qualification than relationship.
III.Perception of the company- The Nepalese company have to do make their own perception for new freshers . They think the new freshers are not qualified for the job post even junior level and the new freshers have only made for apply to the vacant post and they will reject. They never think for fresher, financial cost, time, qualification and aim/ goal .Even they have not responsible for their holding post and not accountable for their duties.
I am agree their job experience level and job specification.They have not great job experience and specification but they have the new idea,energy and commitment.However not necessary do a job for earning money, for social status and personality. They can also starting new business venture, but raise the question behind the capital funding. The problems have source of funding. So no job,no money and no funding and No Venture.

Sabita Shahi Thakuri

MBA Graduated and Nepalese Economy

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world
-Nelson Mandela 
According to this golden statement,the education is one of the most important thing in life of human being. And now it's really happen to the real situation for the world. Education is the really most powerful weapon for change own self, society, country to universe. We were not educated from by birth but slowly we learn how to talk,live,laughing and behaving with your people.This is all thing most important and much better learning from education because it's not only a certificate of degree is also level of manner,moral,character and behavior.
We all were dreaming the certificate of Graduated and post graduated. One day that  dream come true.And we are saying MBA Graduated with being proud.Such a that thing is part of proud but really, after the Post Graduation what we feel about opportunity,career life,society image and our dream etc.This is the gap between our education certificate and our goals. We are Graduate regular but where is the sources for regular opportunity for us.we have no chance for getting the suitable post in our own country.
Now, Nepal is not landlocked country after signing the bilateral agreement with China and India. Now the country had receive the right for direct trading with third country.Nepalese economy is decreasing condition after the 7.8 Richter earthquake hit on  25th April last year.Our economy is deficit mode,due to export always less than import.Our economy is depend on the remittance.Minimum 1500 youth go for foreign from the Tribhuban International Airport (TIA) every day because no systematic,stability and condition in Nepal.We have to many opportunity here but operation system/government level had to fail stop the young achievers from foreign employment.
Nepal have a small economy own self,and Nepalese investor involve the tax saving activities.For example,Switzerland's HSBC banks account and Panama papers.They are example of sell company, they have not physical location but have only agreement paper (may be legal or illegal).These all example of tax saving for investors.Nepal have a just 145th ranking on Human Development Index (HDI) with value of o.548 which is very lowest for this century.Now Nepal have a just 2.4 % growth rate (Sources:Asia Development Bank) where China have 6.9% and India have 7.5% respectively.And inflation rate hit by 11.5% last month in Nepal. This is  really controversial  situation our Nepalese economy.
Now many more question raise in our future and opportunity.How can we create the platform for opportunity?If we create than how can we survive and grow? These all question are not answerable.We have passed MBA but where is the opportunity for us. Experience,better performance,intelligence,energy and integrity are main threats for freshers & here is our economy also threat for us. 
Sabita Shahi Thakuri 